We make getting online easy
Create a beautiful and professional website in minutes using Weebly's simple drag-and-drop website builder.
With absolutely nothing to install and no technical skills required, create the website of your dreams - all in realtime and directly from your web browser. Join over 30 million entrepreneurs and small businesses that have chosen Weebly to build their online presence with a website, blog or store!
Drag & Drop Builder
Content items (like text, photos, maps, and videos) are added to your website by simply dragging and dropping them into place. Text is simple to add and edit anytime.
Personalize Your Website
Add variety and personality to your pages with individual sections and custom headers. Every section can be uniquely designed, making edits and customizations a snap.
E-Commerce Solutions
Building an e-commerce site is easy. Manage your product inventory, update order status' and track sales all on a single platform. Streamline your daily business tasks on a single, intuitive platform.
Memorable Images & Video
Select a high-resolution stock photo or video, or upload your own for engaging backgrounds, headers and section highlights. Experiment with advanced blur, darkness and filter options to make your site pop.
Powerful SEO
Create custom URLs, title tags, header and footer code, and meta descriptions to help your blog and website perform better in search results and bring more traffic to your site.
Member Only Access
Build a membership website that lets people login to access special content. You can add members, manage them in groups and control which pages they have access to.
Building a Website has Never Been Easier
Weebly's professionally designed website templates are free, flexible, and simple to make your own. Easy customization tools give you full control over each template and make editing design elements, like fonts and color schemes, a breeze. All sites are automatically responsive and mobile optimized so your site will always look and work great on any device.

For every domain you have with HEXONET, you can set up a FREE website with the Weebly Website Builder, including free and secure hosting!
Choose to move into paid price plans when you want to upgrade your website.
To learn more, check out our FAQ page