Registry / Registrar Bulletin

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.CO.NZ and .NZ: Individual Registrant Privacy Option

WHOIS privacy option is now open for .NZ registrants. Choosing to use the free "Individual Registrant Privacy Option" (IRPO) will hide your telephone number and contact address information in WHOIS search results. By enabling this feature, you guarantee that you are an individual registrant and not using your domain for significant trade.


.IE Domains: Simplified Registration Process

IEDR, the registry operator of .IE domains, has simplified the registration process for .IE domains. Previously, a valid combination of X-IE-REGISTRANT-CLASS and X-IE-REGISTRANT-CATEGORY had to be provided. (See wiki:

Now only a simplified X-IE-REGISTRANT-CLASS has to be given. This can be one of Company|Business Owner|Club/Band/Local Group|School/College|State Agency|Charity|Blogger/Other.


.NU and .SE Price Increase - January 1, 2018

The following .NU price changes will take place in our system January 1, 2018.

The following .SE price changes will take place in our system January 1, 2018.


.DK Price Increase - January 1, 2018


.NET Price Increase - February 1, 2018

Verisign announced a price increase to the annual price of .NET domains starting February 1, 2018.


Premium Domains