October's Amazing Promotions

An exciting new chapter is beginning for our Partners & Customers. Learn more.

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.INFO Promo - Intuitive, international, unrestricted and informational .INFO (read more)

Note: all volume price discounts are reset to the Special Price after 24 hours

.TV Promo - If is moves, it belongs on .TV! (read more)

Until the end of the year, HEXONET has special pricing on .TV domains. New .TV domain registrations will only cost 22.61 (net: 19.00) USD per domain/year.

.CZ Special QIV. Promotion (read more)

Until the end of the year all new .CZ domains will cost 285.60 (net: 240.00) CZK per domain/year (30% savings!)

.COM and .ORG Price Promo throughout October 2009 (read more)

.NET Price Promo through October 2009 ( read more)

Fantastic Savings on SSL Certs through October 2009 (read more)

For the entire month of October, all Verisign, GeoTrust and Thawte SSL certificates will be reduced up to 40% off our already low wholesale prices. Now is the perfect time to make big profits on all your SSL certificate renewals and sales.