Awesome new promos - .INFO, .CZ and .TV

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New .INFO promo - every day as low as 2.50 USD
Starting on October 1st, 2009, save every day on .INFO domains. Register one new .INFO domain and save. Register more than 10 new domains on any particular day and save even more! Register more than 20 or 30 new domains on any particular day and save a lot more!

Special promo price on all new .INFO domains for 4.17 (net: 3.50) USD per domain/year
Register the 11th to 20th new .INFO domain in a day for 3.87 (net: 3.25) USD per domain/year
Register the 21st to 30th new .INFO domain in a day for 3.57 (net: 3.00) USD per domain/year
Register from the 30st new .INFO domain in a day for 2.98 (net: 2.50) USD per domain/year


Notes on .INFO:

New .TV promo - if your site moves, it belongs on .TV!
Starting October 1, 2009 at 12:00 CEST through December 31, 2009 HEXONET will be offering special pricing on .TV domains. New .TV domain registrations will only cost 22.61 (net: 19.00) USD per domain/year.


Marketing: registry approved tag lines for use by resellers

.CZ special QIV. promotion
After attending a fantastic ccTLD meeting in Bled, Slovenia, it is clear that eastern Europe countries are opening up their respective TLDs. To help these registries promote their TLDs, HEXONET will be offering sensational discounts in the coming months. The first of such promotions is for .CZ.


Notes on .CZ:

Ongoing .COM and .ORG price promo:

Reseller: 14.04 (net: 11.80) → 11.78 (net: 9.90) USD per domain/year
Premium: 11.78 (net: 9.90) → 10.59 (net: 8.90) USD per domain/year
Platinum: 9.76 (net: 8.20) → 9.28 (net: 7.80 USD per domain/year

Ongoing .NET Price Promo:

Reseller: 12.38 (net: 10.40) → 10.23 (net: 8.60) USD per domain/year
Premium: 10.00 (net: 8.40) → 8.81 (net: 7.40) USD per domain/year
Platinum: 7.85 (net: 6.60) → 7.26 (net: 6.10) USD per domain/year
