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October 2021 Hexonet Logo
Meet us at NamesCon Global - August 31, 2022

NamesCon Global is bringing together the people who build and grow the domain name industry. This is the place to build the strong relationships and strategic partnerships that drive this person-to-person business. CentralNic is proud to call ourselves a NamesCon Platinum Partner.

Save the date:
NamesCon Global - Master Your Digital Assets
Aug 31 - Sept 3, 2022, Austin, TXOMNI Hotel Austin Downtown

Stop by our CentralNic booth, meet our team and discuss your online goals. Would you like to make an appointment? Write to us at [email protected].

Do not miss our CentralNic Speaking Sessions:

  • Keynote Session, Wednesday, Aug 31, 2:00 - 2:20pm, BODIS Keynote Hall
    Speaker: Pawel Rzeszucinski, Kelly Hardy: Be Ready For The Brussels Effect, It’s Coming Our Way
  • Panel Participation, Wednesday, Aug 31, 2:35 - 3:35pm, BODIS Keynote Hall
    Speaker: Adam Wagner: The Traffic Report

Secure Your Direct .AU Names Before It’s Too Late

We would like to remind you that there is less than four weeks left for you and your customers to take advantage of the current .AU second level release (2nd level: example.au; vs 3rd level: example.com.au). We’ve seen a huge uptake in registrations as the window to register is closing. We encourage you to take action now, as names that are not claimed, will become available to the public. This is a huge opportunity to inform your customers and help them register their .AU domain names to protect their online presence.

Please note, the Priority Allocation Process closes on 20 September 2022, 23:59 UTC.  
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your Account Manager or contact us at [email protected].

.KIDS Launch: Sunrise Ends September 14, 2022

.KIDS is a dedicated Internet space for all things kids and the only TLD with kids’ best interest at heart. It is a child-centric domain extension for kids, parents, educators, kids advocate groups along with like-minded businesses and communities that serve them.

We will accept your .KIDS domain name applications now until September 14, 2022.

Launch Schedule:

Sunrise: August 11 (16:00 UTC) - September 14, 2022 (15:59 UTC). For trademark holders with a valid signed mark data (SMD) file. First-come, first-served.
Community Sunrise: September 20 (16:00 UTC) - October 19, 2022 (15:59 UTC). First-come, first-served.

To be eligible, a Sunrise Applicant must represent a not-for-profit organization, institution, or charity with a main mission of championing children’s rights, children’s well-being, education or child-welfare. Corporate initiatives supporting children’s rights and welfare that are not separately registered as a not-for-profit organization, are not eligible for the Community Sunrise Period, but may utilize the Pioneer Domains Period to submit their Registration Requests.

Pioneer Domains: October 19 (16:00 UTC) - November 29, 2022 (15:59 UTC). First-come, first-served.

Applicants are to submit a concise description (less than 200 words) of the plan to use and promote the Domain Name Applied For (“Proposal”). The Proposal should affirm that it will adhere to the .KIDS Guiding Principles. The .KIDS Pioneer Domain registered must enter into active usage (e.g. website, email, redirection to relevant content, web services, etc.) in accordance with the Proposal within 60 calendar days upon registration (“Development Commitment”).

General Availability (GA): As of November 29, 2022 (16:00 UTC). First-come, first-served.

For price information, please refer to your HEXONET account or ask your Account Manager for more details. A list of .KIDS policies can be found here: https://www.nic.kids/policies.html and in the TLD appendix.

Reminder: .COM Price Increase on September 1, 2022

On September 1, 2022 Verisign, the .COM registry, will raise the annual price for .COM registrations, renewals and transfers. We, in turn, will raise our .COM pricing on the same date.

As you may be aware, Verisign has the right to increase .COM domain prices again in 2023, as well yearly from 2026 to 2029. Based on the likelihood of further increased .COM prices, we recommend renewing your .COM domains now for multiyear terms and suggest you encourage your customers to do the same. This is an opportunity to save money on your important .COM domains.

Updated .COM pricing will be live in your account on September 1, 2022. If you would like to confirm what the pricing will be in advance, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact our Sales team.

Our Sales team is standing by to assist with any support you may need in setting up a customer-facing campaign or to discuss your account.

Scheduled Maintenance - August 27, 2022

We would like to inform you about our next system maintenance on Saturday, August 27, 2022, 07:00 - 11:00 UTC (09:00 - 13:00 CEST).

You may expect the following:

DNS: Available - Domains will continue to resolve normally
vServer: Available - vServers will be reachable
API: AffectedEPP: Affected
Web interface: Affected
WHOIS: AffectedOT&E: Affected

We appreciate your patience.

.SHOP - Promo Extension

In addition to our all-year .SHOP price promotion, HEXONET customers have the opportunity to avail of an extra promotion from September to November.

  • Promo Starts: September 1st, 2022 @ 00:00 UTC
  • Promo Ends: November 30th, 2022 @ 00:00 UTC
  • Promotion Pricing: 1.79* (net price 1.50) USD/domain/year
  • Promotion is valid for one year registrations of standard domains only

If you require support or have questions on any of the following, please contact our Support team at
[email protected].

Changes to .EU Terms and Conditions - October 3, 2022

Please note, EURid, the registry manager of the .eu, .ею (Cyrillic) and .ευ (Greek) top-level domains, has made updates to its Terms and Conditions, to comply with the new legal framework for .eu domain names (Regulation 2019/517 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 and its accompanying Acts). The new Terms and Conditions will take effect from 13 October 2022 and are available on EURid’s website. We encourage you to read the new Terms and Conditions in full and accept them before the effective date.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Shortdot to Release 2.4 Million Premium Domain Names - September 1, 2022

ShortDot will be releasing more than 2.4 million names across all five of their extensions: .ICU, .BOND, .CYOU, .CFD, and .SBS.

Effective September 1st, 2022, first and last names, city names, dictionary terms, and more will be released across the above extensions for end users. Reach out to your account manager for more information and to take advantage of this incredible release.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Price Increase for Donuts Domains - October 4, 2022

Starting on October 4, 2022, the transaction fees (registration, renewal and transfer) for the following TLDs will be increased by the Donuts registry.

.academy, .accountants, .agency, .apartments, .archi .associates, .attorney, .auction, .band, .bet, .bike, .bio, .black, .blue, .boutique, .builders, .business, .cafe, .camera, .camp, .capital, .cards, .care, .careers, .cash, .casino, .catering, .center, .chat, .church, .city, .claims, .cleaning, .clinic, .clothing, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .community, .company, .computer, .contact, .construction, .consulting, .contractors, .cool, .coupons, .credit, .creditcard, .dance, .dating, .deals, .delivery, .dental, .dentist, .diamonds, .digital, .direct, .directory, .doctor, .dog, .domains, .education, .email, .energy, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .estate, .events, .exchange, .expert, .express, .family, .fan, .farm, .finance, .financial, .fish, .fitness, .forsale, .fund, .furniture, .fyi, .gallery, .games, .gifts, .glass, .global, .gold, .golf, .graphics, .green, .group, .guide, .guru, .healthcare, .holdings, .holiday, .hospital, .house, .industries, .institute, .insure, .international, .investments, .hewelry, .kim, .kitchen, .land, .lawyer, .legal, .lgbt, .life, .lighting, .limited, .live, .llc, .loans, .lotto, .ltd, .management, .marketing, .markets, .media, .money, .mortgage, .movie, .network, .news, .ninja, .organic, .partners, .parts, .pet, .photography, .photos, .pink, .pizza, .place, .plus, .poker, .productions, .promo, .properties, .pub, .recipes, .red, .rentals, .repair, .report, .restaurant, .reviews, .rocks, .run, .sale, .salon, .school, .services, .shoes, .shopping, .show, .ski, .social, .software, .solar, .solutions, .studio, .style, .supply, .support, .systems, .tax, .taxi, .team, .technology, .tips, .today, .tools, .tours, .town, .toys, .training, .travel, .university, .vacations, .ventures, .vet, .video, .vin, .vision, .vote, .watch, .wine, .works, .world .wtf, .zone

Please view the updated pricing in your HEXONET account on this date or contact our Sales Team.
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