Recapping NamesCon 2020
Recently our team attended the annual NamesCon Global conference in Austin, Texas. It was a big move for NamesCon this year as they usually hold the event in Las Vegas. Initial observations included, a brighter, more open venue with some much appreciated natural light, good centralization of meeting and venue halls, and a noticeable increase in attendee energy and productivity. I know, for our team, we found the event very worthwhile and have a Spring full of actionable items to continue enhancing your Hexonet experience.
We were pleased to have our own Tony Kim, General Manager of Hexonet Canada, on stage with Stuart Fuller, CentralNic Group Commercial Director, delivering a presentation on maximizing profits as a registrar or reseller. They walked through what to look for when selecting a provider/partner and showed how we are driving technology and solutions. If you didn't get the chance to attend, let me know and we'll be sure to pass on a few key pointers.
As we are now a part of the CentralNic team, it was a pleasure co-hosting the CentralNic party on Thursday evening. The location was perfect at CU29 Bar and the well-made cocktails were a popular talking point. I know for me, people were seeking me out all week to make sure they had their wristband to attend - and now I know why, we throw a good party!
While the conference ended on Friday, NamesCon planned a Saturday BBQ on February 1st. I wasn't expecting it to be as busy as it was, but it ended up being my best networking of the week. If we missed connecting, please reach out and say hello.
Lastly, a special congratulations to the Women in Domaining group for celebrating their 10th anniversary. It's wonderful to see the growth of this group and from myself and the whole Hexonet team, we look forward to the next ten years of events, leadership, change and inspiration.