Introducing AdultBlock
As part of our endeavour to keep you informed with our domain services, we are soon launching AdultBlock services.
What is AdultBlock?
.XXX Sunrise B blocks which protect trademarks under the .XXX TLD will all expire on 1st December 2021. This can expose brand owners to domain abuse if they do not convert to the AdultBlock/AdultBlock+ registrations.
The AdultBlock and AdultBlock+ products are the new rights protection blocking services provided by ICM Registry specifically for brand holders. They are designed to provide .XXX Sunrise, Trademark Clearing House customers and trademark owners that own trademarks under the new eligibility criteria (interested parties may use a registered trademark, unregistered trademark, company name or celebrity name to purchase an AdultBlock product) with enhanced protection.
Both products block domain registrations, where domains are not currently registered. This includes premium domains and future registrations of already registered domains. For registration and renewal, both products are available from 1 year up to a 10 year period.
AdultBlock: allows you to block domain registrations with exact match terms across four adult themed TLDs: .ADULT, .PORN, .SEX and .XXX.
AdultBlock+: allows you to block domain registrations with exact match terms and its variations across four adult themed TLDs: .ADULT, .PORN, .SEX and .XXX. The level of protection is increased with this option; it adds the ability to block all variations that are confusingly similar to the trademarked term.
These services allow you to protect your brand from reputational damage, cybersquatting and phishing under these TLDs.
What to expect?
We are currently updating our API structure to support the AdultBlock products. Our aim is to roll this out with minimal impact on your platforms and services. As part of this roll out, if you have an existing Sunrise B Block product with us, your Account Manager will reach out to you very soon to discuss your next steps.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your Account Manager or contact our Sales team at [email protected]